Departamento de Geologia e Recursos Naturais
2ª edição do Curso de Difusão “Mudanças Climáticas: Passado, Presente e Futuro”
Estão abertas as inscrições para a 2ª edição do Curso de Difusão “Mudanças Climáticas: Passado, Presente e Futuro”.
O evento é online (via Meet) e gratuito e acontecerá nos dias 17 e 18 de abril de 2024, das 9h às 17h.
O curso contará com a participação de especialistas que atuam em instituições de pesquisa renomadas.
A complex history of extension, subduction and collision in west Gondwana: Clues from the Riacho do Pontal orogen, Borborema Province (NE Brazil)
Abstract: The geodynamic understanding of the Riacho do Pontal Orogen, in the Borborema Province, NE-Brazil, has progressed substantially in the last decade, mainly from geochemical and isotopic studies.
A Comprehensive Compilation of Spectral Libraries for Petroleum Hydrocarbons (PHC) Encompassing VNIR-SWIR-TIR Ranges
Remote detection and mapping of surface materials using optical sensors relies predominantly on analyzing multispectral and hyperspectral imagery employing classification algorithms. The classification process involves comparing the spectra of individual pixels within the image to spectra from reference databases, commonly referred to as spectral libraries. Here, we introduce a comprehensive compilation of spectral libraries specifically tailored for petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC), meticulously crafted under controlled laboratory conditions.
Anomalias Antrópicas de Gadolínio em uma Planície Aluvionar com Sistemas de Saneamento In-situ em Campinas, SP, Brasil
As anomalias de gadolínio são reconhecidas atualmente como bons marcadores de poluição causada por água residuária. Apesar disso, ainda não existe um método padronizado para a sua estimativa. Neste artigo são comparadas quatro equações, diferentes limiarese diferentes valores de normalização para estimativa das anomalias de Gd em um estudo de caso realizado em um aquífero aluvionar onde existem sistemas de saneamento in-situ.
Architecture and dynamics of Precambrian linear megadunes: Galho do Miguel Formation, Mesoproterozoic, South-East Brazil
Recognizing the deposits of linear megadunes in ancient aeolian successions is challenging when the original bedform topography is not preserved. The present study provides a detailed analysis of the depositional architecture of an ∼ 80 m-thick interval of the Mesoproterozoic Galho do Miguel Formation (SE Brazil) to reconstruct the original morphologies of linear megadunes and to understand their dynamics. The depositional architecture reveals compound cross-bedded sets, which transition laterally into thick low-angle cross-stratified sets and planar-parallel sandstone beds.
Assessing chemostratigraphic and biostratigraphic correlation of Ediacaran phosphorites (Bocaina, Khesen and Doushantuo Formations): Diachronic, local signals of the Neoproterozoic phosphogenic-taphonomic event
The Neoproterozoic phosphogenic event records biotic and biogeochemical changes that seem to indicate intrinsic relationships between phosphogenesis and phosphatic fossil preservation. However, chemo-litho and biostratigraphic correlations conducted on fossiliferous, phosphatic successions of the Doushantuo Formation, South China, evidence a highly heterogeneous record, featuring diachronic depositional ages, variable taxonomic diversity and inconsistent, “noisy” δ13C records.