The reactivation of faults may directly modify their permeability and the integrity of the petroleum system seal. Thus, this understanding is fundamental for decision-making in the petroleum industry at different levels while developing, for example, hydraulic fracturing projects, fracture networking, Enhanced Hydrocarbon Recovery (EOR), and CO2 storage. The identification of the stress field based on elastic properties, failure criterion, rock strength, and in-situ principal stresses allow to understand the geomechanical behavior of stratigraphic units. This process becomes complex in carbonate reservoirs because they present high geomechanical variability related to the sedimentary and diagenetic processes they undergo. In this context, the present work aims to study the potential for fault reactivation in the pre-salt Barra Velha and Itapema Formations and in the Camboriu Formation in the study area, Santos Basin, Brazil, based on geomechanical modeling. Data from 28 wells with basic geophysical well-logs and wellbore image logs, absorption and formation pressure tests, and 3D pre-stack seismic data were used. The results indicate an abnormally high fluid pore pressure (9.49 ppg) concerning hydrostatic pressure (8.34 ppg). Three structural compartments delimited by interpreted seismic horizons and faults were defined. Three fault regimes were defined based on minimum and maximum horizontal stresses gradients: a double normal-transcurrent regime for the Barra Velha and Itapema Formations; a normal regime for the Piçarras Formation; and a double transcurrent-inverse regime for the Camboriu Formation. Finally, based on the stress polygon, scenarios of fault reactivation in the structural compartments were estimated. With increases between 16% and 28.1% of the pore pressure by fluid injection, the transcurrent movement of the faults can be generated. The reverse faults of a shallower structural compartment have the highest probability of reactivation and movement.
Keywords: Geomechanics, stress fields, fault reactivation, and Brazilian pre-salt