Research Areas
History and Theories of Science and Technology
Focuses on the study of S&T activities regarded as forms of social action, particularly with regard to the understanding of scientific and technical knowledge in society. The patterns of formal and informal organisation characterising these activities have played a major role in shaping the specific features of these activities. Recent research conducted in this area includes the study of international scientific cooperation, the analysis of the assessment mechanisms used by Development Agencies, the creation of research institutes in the state of São Paulo, and the dynamics of the scientific community.
Science and Technology in the Development Process
The line of research consists mainly of theoretical and instrumental approaches designed for the study of the economic and productive organisation of technology and innovation. It focuses on both the public and private sectors, studies on production processes and the disclosure of innovation in all its forms (product, process, services, organisation).
Science and Technology Strategies and Social Actors
Backed up by the content explored by the other lines, and based on an approach centered on Policy Analysis, this programme is geared to the critical assessment of cognitive models, concepts of Technoscience, involvement in the decision-making process and strategies for the creation of power for the different players – State, research community, companies, trade unions, social movements – involved with C&T policies. Based on a comparative focus between core capitalist countries and periphery countries, this area aims at the creation of innovation policies adapted to the democratic consolidation processes in Ibero-America. In addition, it aims to identify the content required to train S&T professionals capable of leveraging them.
Technological Transformations, Social Change and the Environment
This programme is geared to exploring the relations between technological change and social change. It examines the social implications of current trends in relation to technical progress, with an emphasis on issues relative to employment, the organisation of work, qualifications and the environment. The work has been geared to studying the impacts of new technologies on education and the qualification of labour and the analysis of green technologies in industry.
Management of Science, Technology and Innovation
This area strives to create a base of knowledge on the management of innovation at private organisations and public or semi-public institutions that support specific efforts geared to technological innovation in a systemic manner. This knowledge serves as support for the consolidation of tools for the management of processes involving innovation. The work conducted in this area has been focused on mapping competencies and the development of instruments for the assessment of results and impacts, both in relation to technological programmes and research organisations.