The Group of Geotechnologies investigates methods and techniques of extraction and analysis of information on natural resources from satellite images, aerogeophysical and geochemical data, as well as integrated spatial analysis of them using geo-referenced information systems (SIG). The research developed in the Group is aimed at the development and application of quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques for processing spatialized information, such as digital processing of remote sensing images, geostatistics and specialized systems. The results of these researches are applied in the mineral and oil/gas industry, more specifically in the exploration (search for new deposits of these mineral goods), as well as in the geo-environmental analysis aimed at natural resources.
Geotechnologies Applied to Land Management
The work conducted by the group is geared to the development of research of a theoretical and practical nature with a view to the implementation of geotechnologies (Digital Cartography, Remote Sensing, Global Navigation Satellite Systems - GNSS, Geographic Information Systems - GIS) in the different activities comprising land management. Over the years the group has helped train undergraduate and post-graduate human resources, supplying subsidies for public policies, producing different results in the form of reports, undergraduate course conclusion work, master´s dissertations and PhD theses, producing new knowledge within the scope of geographic science.
Group of Studies in Political Economy of the Territory
Research project approved at CAPES (2020/2022). CAPES Entre Mares - Combat and analysis of the impact of oil spill on Brazilian beaches. Title: Right to the Territorial Sea: the political economy of the Brazilian coastal cities Validity: 01/2019 to 01/2023 FAPESP (procedure number 2021/00183-4). Title: Right to the Sea: the coastal economy of the Grande São Luís Metropolitan Region (MA). Validity: 12/2022 to 11/2024
Interdisciplinarity and Earth System Science as Axes for Basic Education
The Research Group contributes to the development of methodologies for the training of teachers in the area of Geosciences. It is supported in projects funded by various agencies for the promotion of research. It pursues the research axis around teaching and learning systemic dynamics associated with geological time to study the planet in an integrated way. Thus, it is dedicated to the Teaching of Geosciences, Curriculum and Teacher Training.
- Pedro Wagner Gonçalves
- Natalina Aparecida Laguna Sicca
Logistics, agriculture and the use of Brazilian land
The group´s activities focus on the following lines of research: Logistics of agricultural products in Brazil; the regulation of transport and electrical energy systems in Brazil and information technologies and Brazilian land.
- Ricardo Abid Castillo
- Ricardo Mendes Antas Junior
NuPHiTT - Research Unit on History, Land and Technology
The NuPHiTT Group promotes reflections through the interaction between History, Technology and Territory, understanding them within their broad economic and social aspects. Interdisciplinary in its essence, the group houses Scientific Initiation and Postgraduate students with diverse training, with distinct and complementary analytical approaches, stimulating dialogue with other national and international research groups
Paleoenvironmental and environmental studies
The research group aims to conduct integrated studies geared to developing models that help us understand the environment, the dynamics of the same in relation to the evolution of terrestrial biota and its interaction with the physical environment. Moreover, this group strives to understand the transformations in relation to anthropic interference.
- Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira
- Frésia Soledad Ricardi Torres Branco
Research and Practice Workshop in Teaching Geography
The aim of the group is to act in teaching, research and extension in the area of Teaching Geography, with their interactions in the areas of Humanities and Geosciences.
Soil, Paleosols and Landscape Dynamics
This group works in 3 main areas, with a focus on pedogenesis and weathering processes: 1. Pedogenesis of current soil and the relationship of the same with forms of relief and archaeological sites; 2. Quaternary and pre-quaternary paleosols; 3. Paleosurfaces and the association of the same with soils and alteration profiles, striving to understand the evolution of the long-term geomorphological landscape. The group is currently involved in work in Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil (the states of Piaui, Bahia, Tocantins, Goias, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Parana).
The dynamics of landscapes in coastal environments
The objective of the work linked to this research group, refer to the research and analysis of the morphogenetic processes that govern the organization of the landscape in the coastal environment, considering also the impacts related to the use and anthropic occupation of these environments.